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Vitamin D is associated with increased likelihood of pregnancy, livebirth and reduced pregnancy loss

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, although the association between preconception vitamin D concentrations and livebirth is unknown. The study aimed to assess the association between preconception vitamin D and pregnancy outcomes among women with proven fecundity. The findings were published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and 1191 women had available […]

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Chemicals in sunscreen may cause infertility

A new study from the National Institutes of Health finds that chemicals in sunscreens and personal care products that filter out UV rays may lead to infertility issues among men. According to the study by the National Institutes of Health and the New York state Department of Health’s Wadsworth Center, researchers found that men with high exposure […]

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Improved sperm quality and pregnancy outcomes with spermatozoa after a short ejaculatory abstinence.

Semen samples from men after a short ejaculatory abstinence show improved sperm quality and result in increased pregnancy rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cases. According to the study ejaculates from short (1–3 hours) compared with long (3–7 days) periods of abstinence showed increases in motile sperm count, sperm vitality, normal sperm morphology, acrosome reaction […]

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Severity of congenital heart defects associated with assisted reproductive technologies

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has been associated with a higher incidence of congenital anomalies, including a specific increase in the rate of congenital heart defects (CHD). In this study, the rate of CHD in pregnancies resulting from ART at a single high-risk pregnancy referral center are compared to the published literature. Pregnancies were screened by […]

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Homosexual Couples: Do They Have Access to IVF?

Nowadays, there is a large debate going on regarding same sex couples and whether they should have access to IVF.  Bans on homosexual marriage are tumbled across the Western World and a growing number of same sex couples want to build a family, same way heterosexual couples do. It is not rare for homosexual men […]

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The researchers have found that the syndrome may be triggered before birth.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to one in five women worldwide, three-quarters of whom struggle to fall pregnant. It can cause symptoms, from infertility to hair growth, pelvic pain, hair thinning or excessive hair growth, and hormonally induced sleep issues, because the cysts affect ovarian function and alter the body’s hormonal balance. Researchers at […]

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Male infertility tools: FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test

FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) advances have now provided couples with accurate genetic screening tests like FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test, as diagnostic tools for male infertility aiding them in improving theirs chances of pregnancy. Infertility is not primarily a woman’s problem, as it is mistakenly believed. It is estimated that infertility for about half of […]

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Male Fertility Declines with Age

It now appears that women are not the only one who have to worry about their biological clock since male fertility declines with age as well, research reveals. Although, there are differences between male and female fertility, experts now advise male population wishing to have biological children, to avoid losing time. ’’Men too cannot afford […]

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Acupuncture help IVF success rates


Nowadays, IVF has become the most common infertility treatment however its success rate is still relatively low. So how can the success rate of IVF be increased? Can acupuncture make a difference? Well according to research, acupuncture may actually be beneficial for couples undergoing IVF. Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method, used quite often as […]

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Pesticides may increase risk of endometriosis

environmental chemicals

Pesticides may increase the risk of endometriosis research study warns. Study findings warn about the environmental effects on the health of women of reproductive age. Research conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center revealed that two organochlorine pesticides are linked to endometriosis in women of reproductive age. Researchers collected data from two study groups: […]

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The top 10 superfoods that help you conceive

1o superfoods

If you have decided it is time to build a family, make sure you enrich your diet with the following superfoods that can help you conceive. The good news for all of you who are trying to get pregnant is that a balanced diet, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, is directly linked to fertility. […]

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Intralipid infusion therapy: boosting IVF success rates

intralipid infusion

Intralipid infusion therapy is now used by many IVF specialists as a treatment for boosting IVF success rates, reducing the risk of miscarriage. Nowadays, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) appears to be the most popular among fertility treatments. That is mainly due to its effectiveness and its relative simplicity as a medical procedure that couples can follow […]

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Could endometrial scratching boost IVF success rates?

endometrial scratching

Could endometrial scratching boost IVF success rates? A simple scratch is capable of significantly increase, and even double, pregnancy chances through IVF, doctors believe. Even though IVF is an assisted reproduction technique with the highest success rates among other fertility treatment, sadly, repeated IVF failures are not uncommon. In some cases failed IVF treatments could […]

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Chemicals threaten male fertility?


Research findings suggest that common chemicals threaten male fertility by affecting sperm quality. Chemicals commonly found in toothpaste, soaps and sunscreens could affect the sperm cells behavior, scientists warn. For the first time a study presents evidence of a link between chemicals contained in household products and sperm abnormalities. Researchers report that the chemicals found […]

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Endometriosis as a cause of infertility


Endometriosis is a common pathogenic condition of women that, in the past, it has been associated with infertility. But is endometriosis a cause of infertility? Quite often women diagnosed with infertility happen to be diagnosed endometriosis with as well. Scientists ponder however whether there is indeed a link between the disease and infertility or endometriosis […]

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Do Women treated with donor eggs pass on DNA?

epigenetics and donor eggs

Do women treated with donor eggs pass on DNA to their babies? According to new research the answer is positive. It has been previously shown by a study conducted at the University of Southampton that the environment in which an embryo grows, that is the womb environment, can affect the embryo’s development. According to experts […]

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ERA test (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) improves IVF implantation rates

ERA test - Endometrial Receptivity Analysis

A novel IVF test, called ERA test (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) , that assesses the activity of genes of the womb lining seems to improve successful implantation rates according to fertility experts. Quite often you may hear patients undergoing IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) treatment wondering what is the reason of their failed IVF attempt: ‘’my embryos […]

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Cinnamon: a fertile spice


Did you know that cinnamon apart from sweet and tasty is also a ‘’fertile’’ spice? It is pretty much known that cinnamon has many health benefits but now new research suggests that its properties make cinnamon a great ally for infertility problems. One of the most common causes of infertility in women is PCOS (polycystic […]

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Squeezable IVF embryos

squeeze egg - embryo

Is squishiness of IVF embryos indicative of their viability? In other words, are squeezable embryos the most viable among others? This is the question that a research team from Stanford University has addressed. The idea for this study objective originated from an anecdotal tip from the director of Stanford’s IVF lab, Barry Behr, that some […]

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Common chemical may be linked to male infertility

Men’s exposure to common chemical, DEHP (a so-called phthalate), may be linked to male infertility, new study suggests. Approximately 15% of couples are infertile. That means they can’t conceive even if they have unprotected intercourse on regular base for a year or longer. For about half of those couples, the inability to conceive is related […]

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