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EMBIO Medical Center

Country / City
Athens, Greece
77 Ethnikis Antistaseos Chalandri Zip Code: 15231, Athens, Greece
Verified by Pregnancy & IVF Clinics Worldwide
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  • IVF (In vitro fertilization)

Additional Services:

    Success Rates

    IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates (Fresh/Thaw Cycles)*
    <35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
    Fresh Cycles
    Frozen/Thaw cycles

    A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
    The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.

    Learn more aboutsuccess rates.


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      1 reviews on “EMBIO Medical Center

      1. I experienced an extremely poor experience at Embio Clinic where I received an embryo transfer using egg donation.
        In the first instance I was charged excessively over the advertised rates in the region of 3 – 3,500 Euros. And, as the treatment failed, I was not able to afford a second attempt. I was also charged 500 Euros for the sperm donor treatment even though, due to the clinic’s inadequate sperm donor programme, I used an outside sperm donor bank at the further cost of 1,200 Euros.

        Furthermore the treatment totally lacked any individual patient care or sufficient protocol procedures.

        My embryo transfer, which was advised to be painless, was excruciating. So much so that my legs shot out of the stirrup rests. This extent of pain would very likely have caused my uterus to contract and hence make implantation of embryos and pregnancy impossible. To avoid this problem other clinics carry out a `mock transfer’ prior to the `actual transfer’ whereby the angle of the uterine canal as well as any obstructions caused by fibroids is assessed. Hence the doctor knows which technique to use, including type of catheter, in carrying out the procedure.
        The clinic failed to carry out a progesterone level test, the hormone crucial for successful implantation. And, even when I informed the clinic that I had taken a low dose than required they still did not prescribe a supplementary medication.

        I was not advised of the quality of the embryos transferred; normally clinics provide the patient with pictures. I was also very shocked and disappointed that there were no viable embryos to freeze despite having used a young, healthy egg donor as selected by the clinic that should have produced many high quality embryos. This outcome again seriously affected my opportunity of having a second attempt as a transfer using frozen embryos is significantly cheaper.

        The clinic was not adequately resourced as, on the day of my transfer, it was exceptionally overstretched with back to back procedures being carried out. Hence, there was very little time allowed for me to speak to the doctor and I received inadequate advice or information on my treatment overall.

        The small waiting/recovery room was packed out, with there not being enough beds for all of the patients – some having to wait in a side room or sit on stools. Many of these patients appeared to be egg donors. My experience felt more like being in a `cattle market’ serving the interests of the clinic only and its financial gain.

        Although I have contacted the clinic with my complaints they have not replied. Hence I feel very let down. The experience of IVF is an emotional and physical rollercoaster. It’s important for patients to choose a clinic with a caring and professional approach and in my experience this was definitely not the case.

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