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IVMED Fertility Centre

Country / City
Kiev, Ukraine
31-33 Kudryavskya str., 04053, Kiev, Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
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About the Clinic

IVMED Fertility Centre (Kiev, Ukraine) provides a wide range of services in the field of infertility diagnostics and treatment, using programs of oocytes/sperm donation and surrogacy, which are completely consistent with Ukrainian Legislation;


Why to choose our clinic?

IVMED donation program includes: donor matching, donor medical and genetic examination, donor controlled ovarian stimulation, follicular growth monitoring: ultrasound and bloods, donor oocyte pick-up and fertilization via ICSI, embryo transfer, full on-line support until 12 weeks of pregnancy, cryogenic preservation of remaining embryos and storage for 1 year. According to patient’s additional request we arrange embryos Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) via Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array-CGH) (is not included in program cost);

– We have developed a process such that the time from initiation of treatment up until the pregnancy test takes no longer than 60 days. This means that you only need to make 2 visits to the clinic and that the time from the initiation of treatment up until the pregnancy test takes no more than 60 days;

– Program cost from 3000 EUR to 4000 EUR. The prices quoted for treatment are final and   there would not be any additional costs. There are any waiting lists: each patient has an opportunity to start treatment on the selected day;

– Our donors of oocytes are young women, 21-30 years old, in good physical health, lacking negative phenotype manifestations, congenital and hereditary genetic disorders in the family history, infections, and bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, and smoking.  Each donor has her own healthy child/children;

– Every patient in our center has an allocated support team of specialists including a fertility specialist, embryologist, an expert in the field of implantology, development of human embryos, and genetics, molecular biologist, medical ultrasound diagnostics specialist, an anesthesiologist and medical coordinator;


Our staff

-In IVMED Fertility Centre our staff communicates in English, Italian and French. For patient’s convenience, all messages and documents will be prepared and delivered in your own language;

– Each team that works with the patient is led by an experienced fertility specialist. Patient can be assured that they will possess all the information on your individual case and personally monitor every step of the procedure. These doctors will be with patient from the beginning up until the pregnancy and if necessary further on. There is always an opportunity to ask clarifying questions or to coordinate actions without repeating patient’s situation each time to new staff members. From the moment of the first visit to our medical center each patient has a medical coordinator who will assist throughout the entire process.

Ulanova Veronica - Medical director

Ulanova Veronica – Medical director

Strelko Galina_Head Doctor

Strelko Galina_Head Doctor



















Our facilities

IVMED Fertility Centre is located in city centre and easy accessible by public transport.  The Fertility Centre is completely equipped to perform diagnostics, pathology treatment, IVF, including application of ICSI technique.

Quality and accreditations

Every day we strive for improving level of service.  Our professional specialists and assisted staff are high educated and have successful professional experience. We run special psychological and service trainings for staff periodically.

Languages spoken

English, French, Italian, Ukrainian


  • IVF (In vitro fertilization)
  • IVM (In Vitro Maturation)
  • ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • Surrogacy
  • IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)
  • Blastocyst Transfer
  • Testicular Biopsy (TESE)
  • Egg Freezing
  • Embryo Freezing
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
  • PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
  • Sex selection
  • Donor Eggs (Fresh)
  • Donor Eggs (Frozen)
  • Donor Embryos
  • Donor Sperm
  • Sperm Freezing

Egg Donation Program

Short description of the program:

IVMED Infertility Centre provides infertility treatment with application of donor oocytes.

IVMED Donation program includes:
- donor matching;
- donor compensation;
- donor medical and genetic examination;
- donor controlled ovarian stimulation;
- follicular growth monitoring: US and bloods, donor oocyte pick-up and fertilization via ICSI;
- embryo transfer, full on-line support until 12 weeks of pregnancy;
- cryogenic preservation of remaining embryos and storage for 1 year.

Total cost for donation program (fresh cycle 3000 – 4000 EUR, frozen cycle – 1000 EUR)

According to patient’s additional request we provide embryos Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) via Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array-CGH).

IVMED Fertility Centre also offers service of surrogacy.

Our donors are young women, 21-30 years old and in good physical health, lacking negative phenotypical manifestations, congenital and hereditary genetic disorders in the family history, bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, smoking. Each donor has her own healthy child/children. Donors are selected based on strict medical criteria, they have passed medical and genetic testing, screening for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and urogenital TORCH infections.

Donors do not have medical restrictions to donate oocytes. We strive to achieve the maximum resemblance in physical (phonotypical) characteristics between the donor and the patient, using an extensive database of egg donors and our previous experience with the donor. The decision of the donor is conscious, voluntary and free; the donor signs consent for donation of their eggs to a couple wishing to have children.

The donor has no parental rights to the child that is born. Donors’ testing and procedures involving them in our medical center is carried out strictly on the basis of current official regulations of the Ministry of Health and is fully consistent with Ukrainian legislation.

Legal status in country:
  • Donor anonymity
  • Max No embryos for transfer: 3
  • Donor Sperm
  • Donor Embryos
  • Frozen Eggs
  • Frozen Embryos
  • PGD
  • Sex selection
  • Surrogacy
  • Egg Donation program in Ukraine is regulated by special law Regulatory document: № 787 dated 09.09.2013 “About the statement of order for application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Ukraine”.

    There is no age limit for embryo transfer.

    Link to the law (in Ukrainian): According to this law - oocyte/sperm donations and surrogacy are legal on the territory of Ukraine, as well as transfer of embryos and gametes on/out of Ukrainian territory due to patient’s written request.

Waiting period for recipient: No waiting

No of Eggs guarantee: 8

No of Embryos guarantee: 4

Medications Included? Yes

Total costs for fresh cycle: 3.000 - 4.000 euro

Total costs for frozen cycle: 1.000 euro

What the costs include
  • Consultation
  • No of Visits: 2
  • Partner’s frozen sperm
  • Egg Donor medication
  • Pick up
  • ICSI
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • Blastocyst culture
  • Embryo transfer
  • Freeze remaining embryos
  • Storage of frozen embryos for 1 year
Terms of payments

100% pre-payment

Money back guarantee program:


Other details:

In case if fertilization of donor oocytes with Partner/Spouse sperm which responds to special terms (*) will not result in receiving of 4 (four) morphologically normal embryos, IVMED Fertility Centre accepts responsibility to provide repeated cycle of donor oocytes fertilization (in amount of not less than 5 high-quality oocytes) with Partner/Spouse sperm - on IVMED Fertility Centre expense;

(*) IVMED Fertility Centre guaranties fulfillment of terms subject to Partner/Spouse sperm respond for next requirements (will be determined in contract):
- The amount of spermatozoa is not less than 5 million/ml;
- The amount of sperm: 2-3 (two or three) portions;
- The total sperm mobility: not less than 5%;
- Contains not less than 1% of morphologically normal spermatozoa;
- Spermatozoa after testicular sperm aspiration cannot be accepted for fertilization.

Additional Services:

  • Emergency service
  • Online consultations / Skype
  • Telephone consultations
  • Translation services
  • Public transport access
Travel Assistance
  • General travelling assistance: Yes
  • Pick up from the airport: Yes
  • Pick up from the hotel: Yes

Success Rates

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates (Fresh/Thaw Cycles)*
<35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
Fresh Cycles
Frozen/Thaw cycles

A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy Rates (Egg Donation Cycles)
Fresh donor egg embryos Thawed donor egg embryos

Learn more aboutsuccess rates.


    Other Payment Information
    • Cheques
    • Credit cards
    • Private Insurance

    Short description of the fertility national law or policies in the country:

    According to Ukrainian Legislation regulated by Ukrainian Ministry of Health, all available procedures of infertility treatment, oocytes / sperm donation, embryo transfer and surrogacy pregnancy are legal and determined by juridical standards.

    Regulatory document: № 787 dated 09.09.2013 “About the statement of order for application of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine”.

    Link to the law (in Ukrainian): .

    This law also (paragraph 11) regulates transportation order of frozen embryos / oocytes / sperm / ovarian or testicle tissue (or its appendage) on and out of the Ukrainian territory due to patient’s written statement.

    According to patient’s request his/her biological material can be transferred to another medical clinic on Ukrainian territory or abroad.

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    1 reviews on “IVMED Fertility Centre

    1. We went through a surrogacy process with IVMED, which was a two years long journey (Covid pandemic happened in the meantime).

      Simply put – warmly recommended. Almost always excellent medical and management (including legal) services. In Ukraine certain things can be a barrier, mostly the language. But this will be almost invisible to you thanks to IVMED. They do so many things for you, which you see later (and many you don’t see). They are a perfect proxy. Note also that IVF medicine in Ukraine is of a high quality (with the right clinic, of course).

      We are serious – IVMED probably ranks among top IVF clinics and management (legal services) organizations in the world when it comes to surrogacy.

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