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Country / City
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague: Office Park Nové Butovice - building C Bucharova 2657/12 158 00 Praha 13, BRNO: Address: Barvičova 833/53 602 00 , Prague, Czech Republic
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About the Clinic

Since 1991, UNICA is at the forefront of fertility treatments and stands for medical excellence while setting unrivaled quality standards. We were the first European private clinic to be associated to a North American University assisted reproduction department, the McGill University from Canada already back in 2014.
Based on the success of this cooperation on research topics, common audits and staff exchanges, UNICA with other likeminded international Fertility experts became a founder of the International Fertility Alliance (, an association which aim is to increase Fertility treatments success through the development of clear guidelines resulting from a multi-disciplinary cooperation between fertility experts, clinics, universities and pharmaceuticals companies.
UNICA through two modern clinics located in the two largest Czech cities – Prague and Brno, easily reachable from any European city, is the most international clinic in the Czech Republic; and its foreign patient center includes all features required to make treatment abroad absolutely stress-free. In 2018, UNICA was the choice of more than 2,000 patients, out of which 1,500 came from abroad.
UNICA provides a diverse range of assisted reproduction treatments using own gametes (IVF) and donated gametes (egg donation and sperm donation), fertility preservation as well as genetic testing. Treatments are advised once a series of preliminary tests and medical consultation(s) (at the clinic or in your own country) are undertaken to assess your specific, personal requirements. All treatments are offered using this highly personalized approach to ensure we identify and choose the healthiest and most treatment plans and protocols to help you fulfil your fertility journey.
Applying a fundamental philosophical principle of the Clinic, we have established a medical team that are experienced leaders in the field of reproductive medicine, both nationally and globally. We provide our patients with comprehensive care and treatment methods placing the highest priority on a personal approach directed to the individual needs of each of our patients.

Why to choose our clinic?

• Our first IVF baby was born in 1993. Since then, 7 000 babies were born with the help of UNICA
• Licensed under EU Tissue Certified and Cells Directive , SUKL (Czech State Drug Control Institute) and ISO 9001:2015
• Team of doctors and embryologists internationally trained and ESHRE certified specialists
• As a founding partner of the International Fertility Alliance (IFA), we are at the forefront of fertility support, research, and innovation

• Your own dedicated coordinator to help you along your entire journey in English
• Anamnesis & patient file distance preparation so that your doctor knows you even before you enter the clinic
• Monitor and manage your treatment on our online Patient Portal
• Our cooperation with renowned gynecologists and clinics worldwide extends our care closer to home

• Our modern clinics are built and equipped to the latest industry and regulatory standards
• Our two conveniently located clinics are only a short flight or drive from most European cities
• Equipment of world-renowned manufacturers (ESCO MIRI, Embryoscope Vitrolife, Worthington Industries)

• Dedicated center and team for donor matching since 2003
• No Waiting List – begin your egg donation/sperm donation treatment as soon as possible
• Donor selection fully compliant to national and EU regulations including latest genetic screening of donated cells
• Donor matching according to blood group, eye and hair color as well as individual qualities

Our staff

Dr. Tomas Frgala, Ph.D

Dr. Tomas Frgala, Ph.D

Dr. Tomas Cepelak

Dr. Tomas Cepelak

Our facilities

Quality and accreditations

  • Our first IVF baby was born in 1993. Since then, 7 000 babies were born with the help of UNICA
    Licensed under EU Tissue Certified and Cells Directive, SUKL (Czech State Drug Control Institute) and ISO 9001:2015
    Team of doctors and embryologists internationally trained and ESHRE certified specialists
    As a founding partner of the International Fertility Alliance (IFA), we are at the forefront of fertility support, research, and innovation

Languages spoken

Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian


  • IVF (In vitro fertilization)
  • ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)
  • Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Blastocyst Transfer
  • Testicular Biopsy (TESE)
  • Embryo Freezing
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
  • PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
  • Donor Eggs (Fresh)
  • Donor Eggs (Frozen)
  • Donor Embryos
  • IMSI
  • Donor Sperm
  • Sperm Freezing

Egg Donation Program

Short description of the program:

How do we select the egg donors?

• We focus our attention on the resemblance between donor and recipient.
The donor selection process respects the blood type and the Rh factor of the recipient, her physiognomy including hair color and eye color, as well as her physique.

• Donors are young women, no older than 30 years of age, who register into our donor center and wish to help other women.
In most cases, donors are university students or young mothers on maternity leave who are carefully selected in order to ensure oocytes of the highest quality. Every donor has, at a minimum, a high-school education.

• All donors must always fulfil strict criteria for egg donation and embryos.
This criteria is in accordance with the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (Guidelines for oocyte donation of The American Society of Reproductive Medicine, published in Fertility and Sterility Journal, Vol.77, No. 6, Suppl. 5, June 2002).

• All donors must, of course, fulfil all legal requirements as defined by Czech Law.
At Unica, we take it one step further and have defined a set of internal selection criteria that are even more strict and stringent than Czech regulations which is reflected in our success rates and the result of our fundamental know-how.

Given our interest and expertise in Egg Donation, we have built an extensive donor database that prevents Unica patients from experiencing waiting lists and delays and allows them to start the treatment as soon as possible.

What therapy and treatments are involved in the preparation of egg donation treatment?
Ovarian stimulation of the donor is synchronized with the preparation of the recipient (the future mother). All matured eggs obtained from the donor are granted to one recipient. The eggs are subsequently fertilized in the laboratory using the sperm of the recipient’s partner. After five days of cultivation, the best embryo is transferred into the uterus of the future mother, where the following development process lasts until the delivery.

Legal status in country:
  • Donor anonymity
  • Max No embryos for transfer: 2
  • Donor Sperm
  • Donor Embryos
  • Frozen Eggs
  • Frozen Embryos
  • PGD

Waiting period for recipient: None. The treatment can start right away.

No of Eggs guarantee: 8

No of Embryos guarantee: 2

Medications Included? No N/A

Money back guarantee program:



Additional Services:

  • Emergency service
  • Online consultations / Skype
  • Telephone consultations
  • Translation services
  • Parking
  • On site Pharmacy
  • Public transport access
Travel Assistance
  • General travelling assistance: Yes
  • Pick up from the airport: Yes
  • Pick up from the hotel: Yes

Success Rates

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates (Fresh/Thaw Cycles)*
<35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
Fresh Cycles
Frozen/Thaw cycles
IVF Treatment <35 35-39 40-44
Embryotransfer 57% 42% 22%
After 3 cycles 91.1% 84% 38%
Egg Donation (Fresh) Egg Donation (Frozen)
67% 59%

A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy Rates (Egg Donation Cycles)
Fresh donor egg embryos Thawed donor egg embryos

Learn more aboutsuccess rates.


    Other Payment Information
    • Payment plans
    • Credit cards
    • IVF STANDARD € 2,550
      – Consultation with doctor/ preparation for treatment
      – Detailed sperm analysis + preparation
      – Stimulation, monitoring (ultraounds)
      – Egg retrieval, egg preparation for fertilization
      – Anesthesia during the egg collection
      – ICSI method
      – Laser Assisted Hatching
      ­- Prolonged embryo cultivation (up to 5 days)
      – Embryo transfer


      – IVF standard package +
      – Sperm donation (Donated sperm from UNICA Clinic Cryobank)

      IVF EXCLUSIVE € 3,500
      – IVF standard package +
      – STD tests
      – Timelapse
      – PICSI
      – Sperm Freezing (2 years of storage)
      – Freezing of non-transferred embryos (2 years of storage)

      – Consultation with doctor
      – STD test
      – Donor preparation and cycle synchronization
      – Detailed sperm analysis + preparation
      – ICSI method
      – Laser Assisted Hatching
      – Prolonged embryo cultivation (up to 5 days)
      – Embryo-transfer

      – Egg donation standard package +
      – Timelapse
      – PICSI
      – Sperm Freezing (2 years of storage)
      – Freezing of non-transferred embryos (2 years of storage)
      Selection from 3 donor candidates

      Payment plans:
      • Deposit payment of € 1.500 payable upon confirmation of treatment or at start of stimulation at the latest
      • Remaining amount (balance) payable latest on the day of egg collection
      • Additional laboratory methods and remaining costs payable on the day of embryo-transfer
      • Payment methods: online payment (secured payment gate), bank transfer, payment cards (visa, visa electron, mastercard, maestro) or in cash (EUR)


      Knowing the current situation may be stressful, Unica offers free of charge until end of 2020 (treatment planned or started) the latest embryological methods in the value of EUR 800. We are here to help you accomplish your dream in all situations.
      1) Method MicroChip Fertile Plus® – Sperm selection using the latest microchip technology
      2) Method EmbryoGlue® – For embryo attachment support

    Short description of the fertility national law or policies in the country:

    • Donation of eggs and sperm must be anonymous and voluntary
    • According to Czech law, the child’s mom is the one who gives birth to the baby (recipient in egg donation)
    • The maximum age is 48 years old + 364 days
    • IVF can be used to determine the baby’s sex only in the case of genetic diseases
    • Surrogacy is not legally regulated
    • IVF treatment is not allowed for same sex couples or single mothers

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