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When a couple decides to have a baby naturally, it is not expected that the woman will get pregnant in the first month she tries. Given the fact that approximately 1 in 5 cycles is fertile, it is highly likely that a woman will conceive on the third, fourth or even the fifth month of trying. The natural pregnancy rate is about 20% per menstrual cycle.

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According to recent studies when a couple is not able to conceive over a period of 3 years, the chances to get pregnant in the next year are less than 25%.

The most common causes are the results of:
• Male factor
• Female factor
• Age
• Unexplained infertility

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An appropriate and detailed infertility investigation of the patient (male and female) may discover the causes of infertility and in some cases may exempt the couple from the large expenses of IVF treatment.

Below you can read an overview of the initial diagnostic testing of the infertile couple (male and female infertility investigation).

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IVF does not always represent an appropriate first-line treatment option for a couple. Other treatment options, less invasive, come first according to the infertility cause.  Every couple should become aware of the various solutions that science has to offer.

Worldwide, more than 1,5 million children have resulted from assisted reproductive technologies in the last twenty years.

Below, you can read about the methods that are employed, according to each case, to help couples give birth to healthy babies.

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Many patients think that the IVF success rate is 70-80% or even more. Of course, this is not true. The success rates are affected by many factors, including the infertility causes and the specific techniques used for resolving the problem.

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IVF costs (.pdf file) remain a complex issue and couples should consider various parameters in order to estimate it. Moreover, IVF cost varies considerably among different countries and continents. For example, a typical IVF cycle in USA may cost 20.000$, while in Greece 3.000$. The last example showed that there is a wide range of prices for practically the same procedure. This is why medical tourism has increased considerably in the last few years, regarding couples who seek treatment for infertility.

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