Endometriosis is a common pathogenic condition of women that, in the past, it has been associated with infertility. But is endometriosis a cause of infertility? Quite often women diagnosed with infertility happen to be diagnosed endometriosis with as well. Scientists ponder however whether there is indeed a link between the disease and infertility or endometriosis […]
Do women treated with donor eggs pass on DNA to their babies? According to new research the answer is positive. It has been previously shown by a study conducted at the University of Southampton that the environment in which an embryo grows, that is the womb environment, can affect the embryo’s development. According to experts […]
A novel IVF test, called ERA test (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) , that assesses the activity of genes of the womb lining seems to improve successful implantation rates according to fertility experts. Quite often you may hear patients undergoing IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) treatment wondering what is the reason of their failed IVF attempt: ‘’my embryos […]
Did you know that cinnamon apart from sweet and tasty is also a ‘’fertile’’ spice? It is pretty much known that cinnamon has many health benefits but now new research suggests that its properties make cinnamon a great ally for infertility problems. One of the most common causes of infertility in women is PCOS (polycystic […]
Is squishiness of IVF embryos indicative of their viability? In other words, are squeezable embryos the most viable among others? This is the question that a research team from Stanford University has addressed. The idea for this study objective originated from an anecdotal tip from the director of Stanford’s IVF lab, Barry Behr, that some […]
Men’s exposure to common chemical, DEHP (a so-called phthalate), may be linked to male infertility, new study suggests. Approximately 15% of couples are infertile. That means they can’t conceive even if they have unprotected intercourse on regular base for a year or longer. For about half of those couples, the inability to conceive is related […]
Would you freeze your eggs? New study supports that in fact many women would go for it. But why would they do it? And the correct answer is: Egg freezing for social reasons. Nowadays, there is a clear trend over older motherhood as young women are aware of the implications of having children and want […]
Time-lapse embryo imaging in IVF labs may increase IVF success rates, according to British research, by selecting embryos with the highest implantation potential. But what is time-lapsing imaging and what is the innovation of it that outbalances other methods for embryo selection? Time-lapse embryo imaging refers to constant recording of embryos developing in the stable environment […]
Are bald men less fertile? Well they are not as fertile as you may think: men who have lost their hair by the age of 30 have fewer spermatozoa, study reveals. Even though a common a belief is that baldness is a sign of fertility in men, a new study reveals that men who lose […]
Current research suggests that specific compounds, called adherence compounds, when added into embryo transfer culture media boost IVF success rates. Assisted reproductive technologies are generally considered to be successful medical procedures, but not successful enough. Couples diagnosed with infertility are commonly given an IVF (in vitro fertilisation) or ICSI (intracytoplasmisc injection) treatment. These treatments are […]
Can parasitic worms increase female fertility? Accordingly to what parasitic worm is a woman’s digestive system infected with, she can conceive a child more or less easily. That is the unexpected conclusion of a quite unusual research study who studied a Bolivian tribe of the Amazon called Tsimane. The idea of conducting this piece of […]
Women’s faces turn red during ovulation, study says. It appears that women’s face is redder in the middle of their cycle, during their fertile window. The study, published in ‘’PLoS ONE’’, is considered one of the most efficient in investigating the female face during a menstrual cycle. 22 college girls participated in the study conducted […]
According to the new research published in Scientific Reports journal Zinc ‘fireworks’ could help subfertile couples for a successful IVF treatment. It has been previously found in animal studies that zinc is an essential element for the oocyte maturation and activation. In fact, zinc is released in great amounts in oocytes at the moment of […]
Thanks to the advances in fertility treatments that allow doctors to identify male and female embryos, sex selection of your baby is technically possible. More couples consider such an option now and a number of them are willing to go for it no matter the cost. As a matter of fact, a significant number of […]
The world’s first home male fertility testing kit, assessing semen quality and sperm concentration, is a fact and it has already been launched in the UK. For all those shy men out there, this device can save them the embarrassment of a fertility clinic as they will be able to measure their fertility at the […]
Have you thought about asking for some music to boost your IVF success? According to a recent study, you should! A study carried out at Marques Institute fertility clinic in Barcelona reported that music may actually improve success rates of in vitro fertilisation. In fact researchers of the Marques Institute reported an approximately 5% increase of […]
Nowadays, most women are aware of the importance of contraception when they start their sexual life; however, the question how contraceptive pills could affect fertility remains unclear to many of them. Despite the easy access to information there are still several misconceptions about the side effects of contraception methods. Fertility issues is a common one […]
Can frequent sex improve sperm quality? This has been a debate among fertility specialists for quite a long. What doctors usually advise couples trying to conceive is to have sex every second day, so that there is time for semen to restore its sperm cells count. It is true that frequent ejaculation harms sperm count and […]
Anti-Müllerian Hormone: A Marker for Fertility Many fertility specialists consider Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) a reliable marker for female fertility. Actually, they can assess a woman’s ovary function or dysfunction by measuring this specific hormone. Anti-Müllerian hormone is an essence produced in granule cells of primary, pre-antral and antral follicles in the ovary. As the follicles […]
IVF PROCEDURE by Dr Ioannis Giakoumakis IVF procedure is not one simple, but a series of several medical and laboratory steps. The steps involved in this procedure are: Ovarian stimulation Egg retrieval (collection) Sperm retrieval Fertilisation Embryo transfer Ovarian stimulation A combination of medications (commonly termed fertility drugs) and hormones are usually given to […]
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