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Egg freezing. The new Era

Would you freeze your eggs? New study supports that in fact many women would go for it. But why would they do it? And the correct answer is: Egg freezing for social reasons.

Nowadays, there is a clear trend over older motherhood as young women are aware of the implications of having children and want to make sure that there will be optimal conditions before they start a family. These conditions include financial stability provided by a successful career, an ideal partner as well as emotional readiness.

Egg FreezingIt appears that the majority of women support egg freezing technique as an option for preserving fertility and postponing motherhood for all the above reasons. In fact, researchers reported that women were more concerned with their biological clock than their careers.

A new study conducted by Dr Camille Lallemant and her team, based on an anonymous online survey, surveyed 973 women (mean age 31 years old) from the UK and Denmark regarding egg freezing. According to the survey results, most women were aware of this ART (assisted reproductive technology) technique and about 89% of them are in favor of using the technique for preserving fertility for when they are ready in terms of appropriateness of domestic and social conditions. However egg freezing for medical reasons, for example prior a chemotherapy treatment, was acceptable by almost everyone.

Interestingly, 19% of the survey participants declared that they would consider receiving the egg freezing treatment and another 27% said they are interested in this ART technique.

Up to now there was no evidence on women’s perception on the potential to preserve their fertility through ART. According to Dr Lllemant, perhaps the fact that the advancements of the method have dramatically improve its success rates, like egg vitrification,  has come to convince them of its value.

The study was conducted at the Princess Anne Hospital’s Complete Fertility Centre in Southampton, Hampshire and its findings were presented at the annual meeting of the European society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Munich.

So, would you freeze your eggs as an option for fertility planning?

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