Women’s faces turn red during ovulation

Women’s faces turn red during ovulation, study says. It appears that women’s face is redder in the middle of their cycle, during their fertile window.

Women’s faces turn red during ovulation

Women appear more attractive to men when they ovulate

The study, published in ‘’PLoS ONE’’, is considered one of the most efficient in investigating the female face during a menstrual cycle. 22 college girls participated in the study conducted by researchers of Cambridge University in the UK. They photographed the faces of the girls without make-up, every evening, at the same time, when they all gathered for dinner, at the college hall, for a month. For photographing the faces, they used a special instrument, similar to a normal camera but advanced in terms of color capturing.

For analyzing the images captured by the camera, experts designed specialized computer software that picks up an identical patch of cheek from each image. The girls of the study were also tested for hormone changes at specific times, critical for the ovulation cycle, as decided by the research team.

The face color analysis revealed that the skin’s redness exhibited changes during the month. In fact, the biggest change in terms of red skin color was observed during ovulation and retained its intensity over the last days of the cycle, where estrogen levels started to decrease.

The researchers from the University of Cambridge consider that redness changes of the skin were indicative of body temperature fluctuations. However, the face color changes, even at their pick, were not detectable to the human eye. More specifically, the average difference in redness was 0.6 units while the threshold of human visual perception was 2.2 units.

This observation was in contrast to the scientists’ initial expectations, as in other primates it is quite common for females to display specific sighs of ovulation and fertility that are easily detectable to males, attracting them to mate.

In women however, even if their face turns red during ovulation, that is not the case. Previous research has shown that women appear more attractive to men when they ovulate, however facial redness is not what men notice. ‘’Women do not advertise ovulation but they do leak information about it and facial redness could be a small piece of a larger puzzle’’, commented Dr Hannah Rowland from the Zoology Department who led the study.

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Natural Ways for Enhancing Fertility

1 in 8 couples worldwide have trouble getting pregnant. If you are one of them

Yoga and meditation can boost fertility

Yoga and meditation are two popular stress reduction practices among people, with possible positive and natural way for enhancing fertility

you might want to try some natural ways for enhancing fertility, before you turn to complex fertility treatments; avoiding costly fertility drugs, injections and all these disturbing procedures involved in typical medical treatments, is enough of a reason for many couples.

There are several folk customs applying to different cultures about enhancing fertility, more or less weird. Chunky fertility statues, special dances, spells and even…cute hitting with sacrificed goat skin in ancient Roman fertility celebrations.

Well you don’t need to go this far, there are simpler more natural ways for enhancing your fertility and here are a few suggestions:

Get some sleep: Sleep deprivation induces a decrease of leptin hormone levels. This decrease causes the brain to suspend the less fundamental functions of the body like ovulation, causing irregular periods and infertility.

Just relax! The more stressed a woman is the harder it is for her to conceive. If typical exercise is not your cup of tea, there are a number of alternative ways for reducing stress levels and perhaps improving your fertility chances. Yoga and meditation are two popular stress reduction practices among people, with possible positive effects on pregnancy chances.

In 2012, approximately 21 and 17 million adults practiced yoga and meditation respectively in USA. According to researchers, couples who took part in a program incorporating yoga, meditation, emotional support and diet changes had a 50% fertility rate within one year. This study was based on the ongoing programs at the mind-body Institute at Harvard University.

Apricots and orange fruits: An old custom in China wants the bride to be to consume fresh apricots for enhancing fertility, since the mineral content of the fruit promotes sexual hormone production. As for men, researchers of the University of West Australia showed that orange colored fruits (β-Carotene) with antioxidant properties like apricots, melons, mangoes and carrots, as well as vitamin E-rich foods, could help them maintain their sperm healthy.

Ankle massage: According to reflexology, ankles are sensitive parts of our body with many nerve fiber endings that correspond directly to the most erogenous body zones. The outside of the ankles, specifically, is the most vital area for reproductive health so massage of these spots enhances fertility.

Would you consider such options for enhancing your fertility?

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Ovulation Calculator: Because Timing Matters

Ovulation Calculator

12 to 24 hours after the woman ovulates, she is no longer able to achieve pregnancy during that cycle.

Whether you are considering the potential of getting pregnant or systematically trying to conceive, you are probably going to need an ovulation calculator; because timing matters when it comes to fertility.
One in two couples is trying to conceive the wrong days of the woman’s ovulation cycle, probably due to lack of knowledge. A better understanding of fertility, ovulation process and how this is involved in a woman’s menstrual cycle in overall can be of great help for couples who aim to achieve pregnancy.

There are only a few days (typically 6) in each menstrual cycle that you have high chances of getting pregnant, the days prior and during ovulation. So it is critical to be aware of when are these days during your ovulation cycle for successful fertilisation.

What is ovulation at first place?

Ovulation is the procedure happening once in every menstrual cycle when hormonal changes cause the ovary to release an egg. This occurs about 12-16 days before the initiation of your next menstrual cycle.
While an egg survives for no longer than 24 hours after its release, the sperm cell can maintain its viability for up to 5 days. Therefore, you might be surprised to know that sexual intercourse 4 to 5 days prior egg release can lead to the desired outcome, pregnancy.

Fertile Window

The overall ‘’fertile window’’, taking into account the lifespan of the sperm and the lifespan of the egg as well, is roughly 6 days. So the ‘’fertile window’’ applies to the time period during menstrual cycle where unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to conception. At the end of the ‘’fertile window’’, the likelihood of conception declines rapidly and by 12 to 24 hours after the woman ovulates, she is no longer able to achieve pregnancy during that cycle.

Due to menstrual irregularities it might be hard for women to predict their most fertile days, but this knowledge is crucial for getting pregnant. An accurate way for finding out your fertile days is to measure the basic fertility hormones (LH, estrogen). This can be easily done by using an ovulation test or a fertility monitor at home, identifying your full ‘’fertile window’’.

How do you know your “Fertile window”?

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IVF Is Not Always Your Best Option

IVF Is Not Always Your Best Option

IVF is not always the best option for infertility treatment and it is highly recommended for patients to go through a thorough investigation in order to have a clear idea about why they need IVF.

Professor Robert Winston, one of the founding fathers of IVF, has recently published his new book, The Essential Fertility Guide, in which he outlines

fertility treatment options suggesting that IVF is not always your best option for infertility treatment.

For many people, there is no other experience that matches the birth of a baby. One in every seven couples in the UK struggle with infertility. There are various reasons for this and a number of treatments available for optimizing their chances of having a baby.

However, there is also a lot of misinformation out there about infertility treatment, so experts say people should be careful about which advice they heed.  Especially in the private sector where expensive IVF, which only has a 25 percent success rate, is a highly profitable industry.  The fact that a large number of patients address to private clinics for solving their infertility problems could perhaps explain why many people assume the best option for overcoming infertility is IVF (in vitro fertilisation), which according to Professor Winston is often not the case.

When patients meet with their doctor they are often surprised to learn that IVF may not be their first treatment option for infertility. In reality, IVF technique is used far too often before other, usually cheaper and less stressful options, are fully explored. For that reason, it is highly recommended for patients to go through a thorough investigation in order to find out the exact cause of their infertility and have a clear idea about why they need IVF. Prof. Winston adds that most of the infertile couples do not require such a complex treatment and often expectant treatment, ie. waiting to get pregnant, is likely to be more effective than IVF.

It is advisable for infertile patients to start with low tech treatments. Starting with the simplest, most affordable treatment options first and move up to more advanced treatments as medically indicated, is the best way to deal with it.”There are numerous causes of infertility,” says Prof. Winston, “and the best treatment may be different in each circumstance.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an example of a low tech treatment frequently requiring less medication and fewer monitoring appointments with a lower cost. Depending on the cause, other alternatives to IVF could be drug treatments to encourage ovulation, laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery or treatment for endometriosis.

Have you asked the right questions to your doctor?

Make sure you are properly tested to identify the cause of infertility and choose the best treatment option for you.

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