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Berkley Mike

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united_states, NYC
Alternative Treatments
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About the Doctor

Mike  Berkley, L.Ac., FABORM is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist and board certified herbalist. He has been treating those with fertility challenges in conjunction with reproductive endocrinologists for 20 years.

Mike’s clinic is the first complementary medicine clinic in the U.S. to specialize in the treatment on infertility.


Mike D. Berkley, L.Ac., FABORM
Director, The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness

Why to choose?

The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness has been treating those with fertility challenges in conjunction with reproductive endocrinologists for 20 years. We are the first complementary medicine clinic in the U.S. to specialize in the treatment on infertility.

We maintain relationships with New York’s top and best known reproductive endocrinologists and we often work in conjunction with them. We believe that it ‘takes a village’ to address fertility challenges. The Berkley Center is the ‘go to’ clinic in New York City for leading-edge complementary medicine care.

Quality and accreditations

Mike Berkley, L.Ac., FABORM is licensed and board certified in acupuncture and board certified in Chinese herbs. He has 20 years experience in treating male and female fertiliy challenges. Mike is a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine.

Languages spoken



1. Acupuncture
2. Herbal medicine


  • : 150.00 $ initial fee
  • : 100.00 $ each subsequent treatment
  • : Most insurance accepted

Contact Info

  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @berkleycenter
  • YouTube:
  • Clinic hours: M,W, F – 8-530 T, Th – 8-noon

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