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Lourdes Lopez-Yáñez

Country / City
spain, Madrid
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About the Doctor

Medicine degree from the University of La Habana, specializing in Clinical Biochemistry and Reproductive Endocrinology at the Almeijeras Hospital in La Habana.
Founder of the first Assisted Reproduction laboratory in Cuba.
Founder of ReproTec in Bogota, Colombia, together with Drs. Eduardo Castro Valderrama, Andres Gutierrez Aparicio and Ricardo Rueda Saenz.
Specialization at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore (Maryland USA), the international reference institution for reproductive endocrinology and embryonic cultures. Further studies in assisted hatching and removal of embryonic fragments.
Exclusive dedication to assisted reproduction since 2001 in Spain: laboratory auditor, founder of PROCREATEC in 2008.
Several articles published in scientific journals and participation in national and international congresses on assisted reproduction.

Languages spoken

English, Spanish



Contact Info

  • Country: spain

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