Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at the Madrid Autonomous University, passing the board exam in 1986. He is specialised in Urology (Medical residency) having been trained in the Department of Urology at the San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid.
He has the title Doctor of Urology from the Complutense University in Madrid. The title of his doctorate thesis was: “PROSTATISM: CONTRACTILITY OF THE DETRUSOR VERSUS LOWER URINARY TRACT OBSTRUCTION”.
He has been a Board Certified Specialist Physician in the Department of Urology since 1994 under the Valencian Health Agency.
Furthermore he has been the Scientific Director of the journal Urodinámica Aplicada (Applied Urodynamics) since 1999 and a member of the drafting team of the Spanish journals Actas Urológicas Españolas (Spanish Urological Records) and Archivos Españoles de Urología (Spanish Urological Archives), after having received himself various awards for scientific publications. Additionally he is a member of multiple scientific societies and the National Coordinator for the group Urología Funcional Femenina and Urodinámica (Feminine Functional Urology and Urodynamics), of the Spanish Urological Association.
He was the principle investigator in many national and international clinical trials and has also developed various patents. Finally he has published a wealth of articles (120) as well as giving a great deal of presentations at scientific conferences (110).
Professor of Master’s Programme in Human Reproduction, University of Alicante.
English, Spanish
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