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Lydia Luque

Country / City
spain, Alicante
Ob/Gyn – Fertility specialist
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About the Doctor

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Unversidad de Alicante. She studied the speciality of Obstatrics and Gynaecology at the Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. She obtained the certificate in Training of Obstetric-Gynaecological Ultrasound scan Level III from the Universidad Complutense de Madrd- Hospital Universitario de Getafe and the European University Diploma in Operating Endoscopy in Gynaecology from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and the Univerisdad de Auvernia. She has the certificate that allows her to obtain the doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Miguel Hernández.

Quality and accreditations

Professor of Master’s Programme in Human Reproduction, University of Alicante.

Languages spoken

English, Italian, Spanish



Contact Info

  • Country: spain

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