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Pedro N. Barri

Country / City
spain, Barcelona
Ob/Gyn – Fertility specialist
This Specialist has been verified by Pregnancy & IVF Clinics
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About the Doctor

Medical Area:

  • General gynaecology
  • Gynaecological endocrinology
  • Comprehensive sterility study
  • Assisted reproduction techniques

Dr. Pedro Ragué further to his medical task, he also holds an important teaching rule, participating as a teacher in many courses, symposiums, congresses and scientific meetings, not only in Spain but worldwide. He is the author of numerous both scientific articles and other medical articles for the general readership.

Ad Hoc Reviewer of the magazine Human Reproduction from 1990 to 2000 and for Fertility & Sterility from 1990 to 2000.

Languages spoken

Catalan, English, French, Italian, Spanish



Contact Info

  • Address: Dexeus Gran Via de Carles III 71-75 Barcelona 08028 Spain
  • Country: spain

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