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Sykoutris Anastasios

Country / City
greece, Athens
Ob/Gyn – Fertility specialist
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About the Doctor

Gynaecologist – Surgeon – Obstetrician
Master  in IVF by the University of BRISTOL, UK

Clinical Director of OVUM

Specialized in Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopic Surgery
In 1994 I gained my degree in Medicine with “Excellent” grade, University of L’Aquila, Italy. During the 2nd year of my studies after examinations I became assistant to Human Anatomy Department. Served my rural service in the Artificial Kidney Unit General Hospital of Chania, Crete. Served as a doctor in the Navy in particular in the Navy Hospital of Crete. I worked as an SHO in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in GHC-Crete for 3 years.Since 2000 I’ve worked in various hospitals in U.K. such as Doncaster Royal Infirmary, University Hospital Hull and East Yorkshire. I worked as a Registrar at the Department of Obstetrics / Gynaecology PILGRIM Hospital BOSTON U.K. In 2003 I have got a CCST as a Specialist in Obstetrics-Gynaecology . Also, I worked as a Clinical Research Fellow in the IVF Unit of the University Hospital CHELSEA and WESTMINSTER, London. In October 2005, I acquired my Masters Degree in Human Reproduction and Development from the University of BRISTOL U.K. On 2006 I have got the license of Gynaecological-Obstetric ultrasound from the University of Athens, Greece. Since 2006, I am working as a Consultant in different IVF Unit in Athens, Greece. Also, since 2010 I am working as a Responsible Clinical Director of egg donation program in OVUM Fertility Consultants Group.(OFCG)

Languages spoken

English, Greek, Italian


Gynecologist - Surgeon - Obstetrician | In Vitro Fertilization Clinic - IVF


Contact Info

  • Doctor name: Sykoutris Anastasios
  • Country: greece

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