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Valeria Magomedova

Country / City
latvia, Riga
Ob/Gyn – Fertility specialist
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About the Doctor

Gynecologist, human’s reproductive system specialist and infertility treatment specialist. Valeria Godunova is chief medical officer of the private clinic “Jūsu ārsti” in Latvia. She is also a member of the of the ESHRE organization (European community of reproduction and embryology). Chairwoman of the group for reproductive system specialists and embryologists in the Latvian association of obstetricians and gynecologists. She is a member of the Russian Association of the human’s reproductive system. Valeria has been dealing with infertility treatments since 1980 and has great experience working with pathological pregnancies, births and surgeries.

Languages spoken

English, Latvian (Lettish)



Contact Info

  • Doctor name: Valeria Magomedova
  • Contact person for patients abroad: Jusu Arsti

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