IVF and Cancer: are they linked?


Cancer is the most frequent cause of death among people aged 35-59

IVF and cancer, is a sensitive subject that worries many women who seek for infertility treatment. How are they linked? Do women undergoing IVF have increased risk of cancer? These are some of the questions that researchers have been trying to answer for several years now, making quite a progress.

According to worldwide scientific literature, the concept that IVF treatment and cancer are directly associated has started to faint. Studies suggest that women receiving medication for ovarian stimulation are not in danger, in terms of cancer, unless they were already prone to the disease either way, with or without IVF.

Cancer is the most frequent cause of death among people aged 35-59 while age of suffering the disease is constantly decreasing. Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecological cancer in the western world. It accounts for 35% of all gynecological cancers in the UK, while in the US it is diagnosed in about 2000 women each year.

Currently, a well-documented study from the Institute of Child Health at University College London, reported that women undergoing IVF have over a third increased chances of developing ovarian cancer compared to other women.

However, scientists explain that it is more likely the higher risk of cancer to be attributed to other health issues of subfertile women instead of the fertility treatment itself. Dr Alastair Sutcliffe who led the study, commented that when it comes to IVF and cancer risk women treated for infertility have little to worry about.

The study, presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Baltimore, also found that female factor infertility (e.g. endometriosis) is related to increased cancer risk while male factor infertility did not seem to correlate with increased risk. Additionally, the number of IVF cycles did not seem to affect chances of cancer.

Collectively, according to researchers, the risk of ovarian cancer for women undergoing IVF in absolute numbers remains low (15 out of 10.000 women got cancer following IVF compared with 11 out of 10.000 in the general population). However, women with specific medical conditions like endometriosis should be treated with caution as they may be more likely to develop ovarian cancer following treatment.

Acupuncture help IVF success rates

Nowadays, IVF has become the most common infertility treatment however its success rate is still relatively low. So how can the success rate of IVF be increased? Can acupuncture make a difference? Well according to research, acupuncture may actually be beneficial for couples undergoing IVF.


According to research, acupuncture may actually be beneficial for couples undergoing IVF

Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method, used quite often as a complementary medical practice, based on the use of very thin needles inserted in certain points of the body for treating various medical conditions. Acupuncture, it is believed to help treat medical conditions that affect fertility such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menstrual cycle irregularities and more.

Several studies in the past have pointed out that women who undergone an acupuncture program in parallel with their IVF treatment had greater success rates than women who did not do acupuncture.
According to one study by researchers at the Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine and the University of Maryland Center for Assisted Reproductive Technology , the VU University of Amsterdam and researchers from Georgetown University which involved a review of 7 clinical trials, women having acupuncture could significantly increase their chances of getting pregnant. Researchers analysed data from over 1.300 women who underwent IVF. They examined the effect of acupuncture given within one day of embryo transfer.

They compared these results with those of women given sham acupuncture and no additional treatment and found “acupuncture group” pregnancy chances increased by 65%. Women participated in the study were of different ages, they were all however given acupuncture sessions (lasted for 25 to 30 min) right before of right after the embryo transfer.

But how could acupuncture help increase fertility and IVF success rates?

According to experts acupuncture supports IVF by:

1. Regulating reproductive hormone levels including FSH and LH
2. Improving the immune system and well-being
3. Increasing utero-ovarian blood flow and consequently improving the quality of the endometrium, promoting embryo implantation
4. Improving the quality of the eggs, necessary for successful fertilisation

So, would you give acupuncture a chance?

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