Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The researchers have found that the syndrome may be triggered before birth.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to one in five women worldwide, three-quarters of whom struggle to PCOS, polycystic ovary syndromefall pregnant. It can cause symptoms, from infertility to hair growth, pelvic pain, hair thinning or excessive hair growth, and hormonally induced sleep issues, because the cysts affect ovarian function and alter the body’s hormonal balance.
Researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research found that excess levels of a hormone called Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) reprograms the fetus and induces polycystic ovary syndrome in adulthood.
According to the study the team was able to reverse this effect in the mice using an IVF drug routinely used to control women’s hormones. After treatment with this drug, the mice stopped showing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

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Big Breakfast improves pregnancy chances

A big breakfast in the morning improves pregnancy chances by helping women dealing with their reproductive health problems. Women struggling to conceive would be wise not to neglect eating their morning meal and have a big nutritional breakfast daily.


Consuming more calories in the morning could assist women with fertility problems

This is what a study suggests, as it appears that consuming more calories in the morning could assist women with fertility problems get pregnant. Previous studies have shown that our body weight is not affected only by the amount of calories consumed but by the timing as to when we consume as well. The latest research of Professor Oren Froy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Professor Daniela Jakubowicz and Dr Julio Wainstein (Wolfson Medical Center, Tel Aviv University) revealed that a big breakfast can enhance fertility in women with menstrual irregularities due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Polycystic ovary syndrome affects about 6%-10% of women of reproductive age, reducing their pregnancy chances. This syndrome causes insulin resistance, leading to high androgen levels and menstrual cycle irregularities, fertility problems and increased risk of diabetes.

60 women with PCOS took part in the study experiments carried out at the Wolfson Medical Center for 12 weeks. The women aged 25-29 and had a body mass index below 23. The volunteers were separated into two groups. Both groups were called to consume approximately 1.800 calories per day, differing only in the time of their highest calorie intake. The first group of women had their largest meal of the day -980 calories- in the morning while the second group in the evening. Women were also asked to record the specific foods consumed each time.

According to the study results, as published to ‘’Clinical Science’’, women who ate a big rich-calorie breakfast had their blood glucose levels as well as insulin resistance decreased by 8%. On the contrary, women who consumed a rich-calorie dinner showed no improvement. Moreover, in the breakfast group testosterone levels of women dropped by 50% while their ovulation rate appeared to be much higher compared to dinner group in which testosterone levels remained stable.

These results indicate that having a hearty breakfast can improve fertility and pregnancy chances for women with PCOS.

Concluding, as highlighted by Professor Froy, the amount of calories we consume per day is quite important but the time of consumption is much more critical.

Would you choose a hearty breakfast over a hearty dinner?

Cinnamon: a fertile spice

Did you know that cinnamon apart from sweet and tasty is also a ‘’fertile’’ spice? It is pretty much known that cinnamon has many health benefits but now new research suggests that its properties make cinnamon a great ally for infertility problems.


If you are suffering from PCOS it might worth to give cinnamon a chance.

One of the most common causes of infertility in women is PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). It affects approximately 5-10% of women of reproductive age and it can cause ovary cysts, acne, body and facial hair overgrowth, obesity, severe menstrual irregularities and as a consequence infertility.

Quite often, women with PCOS are found to have elevated insulin levels causing them insulin resistance and therefore are more likely to develop diabetes. However, elevated insulin levels do not only increase blood sugar levels but they can also differentiate reproductive hormones’ levels, crucial for ovulation and menstrual cycle.

Many women with PCOS who struggle to get pregnant once they have their insulin levels regulated, they do see an improvement of their fertility. According to a research from the University of Columbia, it appears that daily cinnamon consumption can aid in menstrual cycle regulation for women with PCOS.

45 women with PCOS took part in the study and they were split in two groups. Half of them received natural cinnamon supplements twice a day while the other half received a placebo tablet with no cinnamon. After six months, women who consumed cinnamon daily had over 4 menstrual cycles more in average compared to the placebo group. Furthermore, 2 women of the cinnamon group achieved pregnancy during the actual study adding to the belief that cinnamon may work as a fertility booster.

So, if you are suffering from PCOS it might worth to give cinnamon a chance. Even though during this small clinical trial the optimal cinnamon dose was not investigated, it was only shown that it works, you could advise your doctor on the matter and the possibility to add a daily dose of the spice to your nutrition. For the study women consumed 1500 mg of cinnamon per day so this amount might be enough for improving your fertility as well.

So far, it is not known whether more women, other than those diagnosed with PCOS, could benefit from cinnamon in terms of fertility but there is surely no harm in trying it!

So, how about spicing up your life a bit with a dash of cinnamon?

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Are bald men less fertile?

Are bald men less fertile? Well they are not as fertile as you may think: men who have lost their hair by the age of 30 have fewer spermatozoa, study reveals.

Even though a common a belief is that baldness is a sign of fertility in men, a new study reveals that men who lose their hair at young age, close to their 30s, might actually be less fertile.

It was estimated that the semen volume was approximately 60% less in men with moderate to more severe hair loss while researchers suggest that hormonal changes related to hair loss may affect the quality of the sperm.

Are bald men less fertile?

The so-called androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of hair loss in men

The so-called androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women while scientists argue that premature AGA could be considered equivalent to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women. Androgenetic alopecia often turns to baldness and normally it affects about 50% of male population over the age of 50. However in some cases the symptoms could start at the end of adolescence.

In this current study, published in Dermatologica Silica, fertility experts and dermatologists in a collaborative effort, investigated potential links between hair loss, sperm quality and fertility. The doctors collected semen and conducted a series of tests in 203 young men (mean age 31 years old).

Men who participated in the study were classified into 2 groups: normal-mild AGA and moderate-severe AGA in order to investigate the difference in semen quality among the 2 groups.

They found that men with moderate to severe hair loss had their sperm quality in terms concentration, motility and morphology significantly decreased compared to other group, pinpointing bald men as less fertile.

The trend of considering bald men to have increased sexuality is based on the fact they have higher testosterone levels which could possible lead to a more intense sexuality. On the other hand, high testosterone levels is the exact of premature hair loss.

Yet, new research findings indicate that men with low testosterone levels may also lose their hair at a young age and that male baldness is more likely to be caused by a complex combination of both genetic and hormonal factors.

So, what do you think is baldness unattractive?

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