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Why choose IVF? 10 + 1 reasons

Why choose IVF? 10 + 1 reasons

IVF is likely to be recommended for the following fertility problems:

Why choose IVF1. Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, which stop the sperm from reaching the egg.
2. Ovulation disorders, which result in fewer eggs available for fertilization.
3. Premature ovarian failure (loss of normal ovarian function before the age of 40).
4. Endometriosis, which affects the function of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
5. Fibroids (benign tumors which grow beneath the outer layer of the uterus (subserosal), inside the muscular wall of the uterus (intramural), or inside the uterine cavity (submucus) and can cause infertility.
6. Previous tubal sterilization or removal.
7. Male infertility, including poor sperm quantity, poor sperm mobility, or poor sperm quality (increased percentage of abnormalities in sperm size and shape), which reduce the chance of fertilization.
8. Advanced reproductive age.
9. Unexplained infertility, where, in spite of the complete evaluation for common causes, the cause of infertility has not been found.
10. A genetic disorder. If you or your partner is at risk of passing on a genetic disorder to your child, then a procedure that involves IVF called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) can be performed in the Mediterranean Fertility Institute.
11. Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions. Women can freeze (cryopreserve) her eggs in an unfertilized state for later use or her eggs can be fertilized and frozen as embryos for future use.

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