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WiFi may Cause Infertility

Dangerous levels of microwave radiation from Wi-Fi and other devices were discovered in school classrooms in Ontario as measured by students from Peel District School Board. The radiation levels found were strong enough to cause infertility problems.

The students organized an open meeting in order to inform all school students about the dangers they are exposed to due to the radiation levels and that they can actually be harmed by this. They were determined to find ways to protect themselves in case the school Board was not willing to, since students are more exposed to wireless devices than any other group. The Peel Board announced that classroom microwave levels are lower than federal safety limits.  But recently these limits were questioned by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health indicating that these amounts of radiation could possibly cause a series of health issues including cancer and infertility.

Frank Clegg CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology, one of the speakers in the students’ meeting, claimed that” the Board is misleading its students because the high levels of radiation were measured with only four Wi-Fi devices operating while there are normally 50 devices in use. The students have also invited an international expert on cancer, Dr. Anthony Miller who would give them a lecture on the risks of cancer from common wireless devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi.

In 2011 the W.H.O. declared microwave radiation from Wi-Fi and cell phones to be a “possible carcinogen“, along with formaldehyde and car exhaust. Infertility is also a serious effect that cannot be ignored. Therefore, a thorough investigation on the matter and the development of a policy to substantially reduce wireless exposures to students and staff are of high importance.

A simple way to reduce the radiation dose and exposure time for children and staff is by turning off the Wi-Fi devices when not in use since they are constantly emitting radiation even when no one is using the internet.

What is now advisable is to post in every classroom the Instructions for “Best Practices”  which include:

  1. The safest solution is to provide wired connections
  2. Avoid prolonged, close contact with wireless routers
  3. If students are not using the internet, make sure they de-activate the WiFi
  4. Find out if the router has an easily accessible power switch that can be
    turned off when you don’t need access to the Internet

As a parent, would you be against Wi-Fi use in school?

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