Special gynecologic hospital “Genesis” started working on the 4 of February. 2006., in Novi Sad, as the first private gynecologic hospital in autonomous region of Vojvodina (in the northern part of Serbia). Special gynecologic hospital “Genesis” is among the first private gynecologic hospitals in Serbia. In the hospital “Genesis” there are 2 fully equipped gynecologic rooms with high-resolution 4D ultrasound units GE Voluson S8 and GE Voluson E6 and colposcopic microscope, as well as laboratory (used for amniocentesis and cordocentesis), 2 operation rooms with state-of-the-art laparoscopic equipment Richard Wolf 3CCD HD and devices for anesthesia and sterilization, and 4 luxurious rooms with 9 beds (TV, internet). The hospital meets highest standards in infrastructure, tehnology and staff for the treatment of infertility, performing various gynecologic procedures and monitoring of pregnancies, especially risky ones.
The hospital has concluded contracts with more than 60 companies in Serbia and abroad. Also, we have active cooperation with foreign pharmaceutical companies and their regional offices in Serbia, amongst others, with Pharma Swiss (Switzerland), Merc Serono (Germany), GE Medical. In our hospital, UNIQA and Delta Generali Group policy holders are also treated. The hospital has vivid collaboration with IVC Clinic Wunch Baby from Austria and Gynem from Czech Republic.
From 2009, the hospital is acknowledged as referent institution for infertility treatment by Republic Institute for Health Insurance, based on the results and high percentage of successful in vitro fertilization performed.
Special gynecologic hospital “Genesis” treats 37-42% of all the patients treated for infertility in Serbia, in the means of national and commercial program.
According to statistics of Republic Health Insurance Fund, “Genesis” is recognized as the institution with the highest percentage of success in the national program for IVF in 2013 and 2014.
Prevalence of pregnancies in 2013 was 56,2% in all the patient groups. Prevalence of pregnancies in the 2014 and 2015. was 57,6% in all the patients groups.
Prevalence of deliveries was between 79,7% and 80,5%. Since our start until nowadays, over 2000 babies were born with our assistance, living and growing up in all continents.
dr Zorica Crngorac Ilić founder and head of IVF team
In the programs of gynecology, gynecologic surgery, breast diagnostics and surgery, genetic laboratory and IVF, we treat over 5000 patient per year.
In our hospital, a large number of the EU citizens with current address in Novi Sad and Serbia are treated. We are especially proud of the fact that there is a constant and significant increase in the number of patients from the countries of EU, who are treated for infertility in our hospital.
Our babies grow up in Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, Hungary, USA and regional countries, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro.
In the means of national and commercial program of IVF in our hospital more than 800 IVF cycles are performed per year. Our aim is to increase this number to 1200 a year until 2017.
ISO 9001:2008, ICERITAS Quadal 2016-2018, ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Croatian, English, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian
<35 | 35-37 | 38-40 | 41-42 | >42 | |
Φρέσκοι Κύκλοι | 59,2% pregnacy of that 87% live birth | 47,7% pregnancy of that 85% live birth | 47,7% pregnancy of that 85% live birth | 42,2% pregnancy of that 78% live birth | 24,1% pregnancy of that 72,2% live birth |
Κατεψυγμένοι/Αποψυγμένοι κύκλοι | 45,2% pregnacy of that 87% live birth | 35,1% pregnancy of that 85% live birth | 35,1% pregnancy of that 85% live birth | 30,9% pregnancy of that 78% live birth | 20,1% pregnancy of that 72,2% live birth |
A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.
Learn more aboutποσοστά επιτυχίας.
Discounts: For 2nd cycle in our hospital 10% discount on aspiration and ivf or icsi and 3rd cycle in our hospital 20% discount on aspiration and ivf or icsi. Various discount on IVF or ICSI package.
Serbian law prevent donation of any kind (egg donation, surrogacy, etc).
PRINCIPLES OF Artificial Reproduction Technologies (ART) IN SERBIAN LAWS
Artificial reproduction technologies (ART) are regulated in Serbia by the Act on Treatment of Infertility with Biomedically Assisted Fertilization Procedures and by the Family Act. The Act on Infertility Treatment by Bio-Medically Assisted Fertilization contains principles on which ART are based. The first principle is the principle of medical justification. The principle of medical justification of BMAF implies the application of the BMAF procedure for infertility treatment in cases when other methods of infertility treatment are not possible or indicate a significantly lower chance of success, providing that the procedure is not an unacceptable risk to the health, life and safety of a mother or a child. It is stipulated that spouses or common-law partners are entitled to BMAF procedure in situations when other medical procedures for infertility treatment are impossible or when contemporary standards of medical science and practice indicate that the conception and birth of the child cannot be achieved by sexual intercourse. As an exception, the spouses or common-law partners are entitled to BMAF procedure in case when this kind of conception can prevent the transmission of a serious genetic disease to the child. According to Serbian law, ART can be used only as a method of treating infertility; the implementation of ART is not allowed in cases which are not medically justified. Subsequently, ART is, for instance, not a solution for a woman without a partner and who, for this reason, wants AID (artificial insemination by donor) procedure to be performed.
The Act on Treatment of Infertility with Biomedically Assisted Fertilization Procedures gives priority to the interest of the child to have both parents. Serbian Act, as an exception, allows the woman without a partner access to ART, but only if justified reasons are provided. Which reasons can be considered as exceptionally justified is left to two ministers to decide (Minister for Health and Minister for Family Affairs). Medically justified reasons should normally exist. Thus, the fact that a woman does not have a partner or that she is a lesbian should not be considered as justified. The second principle is the principle of human being protection. This principle implies that the BMAF procedure can be implemented to protect the human being individuality and the integrity of the embryo or fetus. The third principle is the principle of public interests. The principle of public interests is achieved by performing BMAF procedure for the benefit of the person, the family or the whole society, including the BMAF research, and providing the application of appropriate measures to protect human health, safety, dignity, fairness and basic human rights. The forth principle is the principle related to the protection of the rights of children and persons involved in BMAF. It is achieved by giving the priority in decision-making about BMAF to the health, welfare and protection of the child’s rights and rights of other persons in BMAF procedure, particularly to a woman undergoing a BMAF and the child to be born under the procedure. The fifth principle is the principle of equality. This principle is achieved by providing equal opportunities for both men and women in the treatment of infertility by BMAF procedure. The sixth principle is the principle of free decision- making. This principle is achieved by guaranteeing the right to free decision-making and by providing a free consent of all individuals subjected to the BMAF infertility treatment. According to Serbian Act, the consent has to be provided for each BMAF procedure and may be withdrawn in writing until the sperm, unfertilized eggs or early embryos are implemented into the woman’s body. If the consent is withdrawn, the BMAF procedure has to be suspended. Prior to inserting sperm, unfertilized eggs or early embryos, the responsible physician should confirm the existence of consent or its withdrawal.
Serbian Law envisages that a child can get information about the medical conditions of the donor, only in case of the presence of medically justified reasons.
The ban for payment for reproductive cells is also envisaged in the Serbian law on Treating Infertility by Applying Biomedical Assisted Fertilization.
This law brought new national organization Directorate for Biomedicine which has to have the highest authority together with Ministry of Health. Directorate of biomedicine makes decisions on approval for the procedure of assisted reproduction with donated reproductive cells.
According to Serbian Law, if the donor have been given written consent before death, after his death productive cells can be used in ART. That means before every ART procedures, medical workers are obligated to verify whether donor is alive or not. Performing the ART requires the written consent of all persons undergo the ART procedure and may be revoked in writing until the seminal cells, unfertilized eggs or early embryos do not enter the woman's body.
Serbian legislator predicts PGD only in case of risk of transmitting genetic diseases, chromosomal and genetic diagnostics disease or if they are necessary for the success of the procedure ART.
Summary of current national regulations on ART in Serbia:
Marital status: Married and unmarried couples
Single woman: Allowed in special case with justifiable reason
Lesbians Not allowed
Registers for MAR-treatments National/local National
IUI: Allowed
ICSI: Allowed
IVF: Allowed
IVF/ET: Allowed
OI: Allowed
Assisted hatching: Allowed
PGD:Not allowed
Surrogacy: Not allowed
IVM Not allowed: Not allowed
Post-mortem use of gametes and embryos: Allowed with written consent
Number of embryos transferred (usual practice): 2-3
Use of embryos/gametes in case of divorce and separation: Not Allowed
Cryopreservation Seminal cells, unfertilized eggs and early unused embryos: 5 years
Research work on embryos: Allowed on embryos not suitable quality
Sperm, oocite and embryo donation in Serbia:
Sperm donation: Anonymous Allowed
Oocite donation: Anonymous Allowed
Embryo donation: Anonymous Forbidden
Sperm donation: Non-anonymous Forbidden
Oocite donation:Non-anonymous Forbidden
Embryo donation: Non-anonymous Forbidden
Imports and Exports of Sperm donation, Oocite donation, Embryo donation:Forbidden
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