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Fodina Violeta

Paese / Città
latvia, Riga
Ob/Gyn – Fertility specialist
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About the Doctor

Medical Director iVF Riga, Reproductology Specialist, Gynaecologist, Obstetric Specialist


Graduated from Medical Academy of Latvia. Specializes in the field of gynecology and obstetrics in the Postgraduate Department of the Riga Stradins University and in the Postgraduate Medical Academy of St. Petersburg.

Why to choose?

Continuing training in Reproduction field in Finland. For the extended period was in charge of the Reproduction Clinic in Riga. Specializing in all extracorporeal fertilization techniques, having used those she has achieved successful results with a large number of pregnancies.

Quality and accreditations

Continuously improving her qualifications in the leading European Reproduction Centers and at the International Conferences. Specializes in infertility treatment, in gynecological endocrinology.

Languages spoken

English, Latvian (Lettish)



Contact Info

  • Country: latvia

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