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Best vitamins to help you get pregnant faster


Several vitamins available on the market could improve the chances of getting pregnant

Are you having fertility issues? Well, before you turn to medical assistance, vitamins could just be all you need to help you get pregnant faster.
The good news is there are several vitamins available on the market with the potential to improve chances of getting pregnant, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zink and vitamin B12.
Vitamin C is considered to be quite beneficial for men trying to make a baby. It helps prevent sperm from sticking together and restores sperm damage done by chemicals in tobacco smoke. Thus, vitamin C improves sperm motility and decreases damaged sperm cells number. Men are commonly recommended to receive up to 1000 mg of vitamin C daily for a positive outcome.
At this point, it should be noted that women should receive only as much vitamin C as contained in a prenatal vitamin supplement, given that too much of vitamin C could dry up the cervical mucus harming fertility. Plus excess of it could turn the body acidic and is likely to create an environment that sperm cannot survive.
One of best ‘’fertility vitamins’’ for women who wish to get pregnant is vitamin E. It appears it can improve egg quality and is commonly recommended a supplemental intake of at least 400 IU of the vitamin. Men can also benefit from a vitamin E supplementation. They should receive the same amount as women daily, in order to improve sperm capacity. It is advisable to be received together with vitamin C for maximum absorption.
Another vitamin, not quite known for fertility, is B12 which is particularly important for men. Men who smoke or consume large amounts of processed meat are usually B12 deficient. So, by adding at least 100 mcg of it in their nutrition could have their fertility improved. It is also known to support a healthy neural tube development of the developing embryo, so women can also benefit from an increased B12 intake.

Have you checked into the possibility of a nutritional deficiency that could decrease your pregnancy chances?

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