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GYNCARE s.r.o – Centre of Human Reproduction

Country / City
Košice, Slovakia
Magnezitárska 2/C, Košice, Slovakia
Verified by Pregnancy & IVF Clinics Worldwide
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About the Clinic

Gyncare centreThe Gyncare centre for assisted reproduction has been offering a full range of services in assisted reproduction since 2001. Our competent professionals with several years of expertise in reproductive medicine have already assisted hundreds of couples in fulfilling their dream of having a baby. We have conducted almost 5 thousand IVF cycles that resulted in the births of more than 1,800 babies.

We place great emphasis on comprehensive diagnostics of both men and women as well as the couple. Besides gynaecologists, our centre for assisted reproduction also employs medical specialists in genetics, reproductive immunology, psychology, andrology and sexology. Our physicians use state-of-the-art equipment and devices and have access to most advanced laboratory services.

Why to choose our clinic?

Our mission is to combine laboratory diagnostics and IVF treatment according to latest technologies to ensure our patients have the highest chance for pregnancy in shortest time possible.

We take a truly individual approach to every single client and offer modern, intimate and cosy premises. Gyncare Košice is an advanced medical facility offering patients all types of interventions in assisted reproduction, like any other state-of-the-art facility around the world.

To achieve success in assisted reproduction, our physicians and medical specialists operate leading high quality equipment and devices providing maximum efficiency and full-scale performance in the treatment of infertility.

Our staff

Gyncare centreGyncare centre

Our facilities

Gyncare centre

Languages spoken

Croatian, Czech, English, French, Italian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak


  • IVF (In vitro fertilization)
  • IVM (In Vitro Maturation)
  • ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • Ovarian Tissue Freezing
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)
  • Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Blastocyst Transfer
  • Testicular Biopsy (TESE)
  • Egg Freezing
  • Embryo Freezing
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
  • PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
  • Donor Eggs (Fresh)
  • Donor Embryos
  • IMSI
  • Time Lapse Embryo Monitoring System
  • Donor Sperm
  • Sperm Freezing

Egg Donation Program

Short description of the program:

The success rate for women treated via egg donation is generally high because healthy, young eggs are used.
Assuming other conditions are good - normal sperm analysis, healthy uterus without pathological changes, endometrium optimal in size and structure, the same success chance is expected as for the women who is of the donor’s age. It means that if the egg donor is 25-year-old, the recipient can have similar success chance as 25-year-old woman, which in this group is 50-60% per cycle. For individual prognosis based on your specific health status, please consult Gyncare team.
Egg donors are young women, 18 – 34 years old, white Caucasian with Slovak origin, who decide to donate their eggs voluntarily. Each donor must have at least completed secondary education. Donors are typically university students or young mothers who wish to help infertile couples. To become a possible donor, it is necessary that they go through a detailed examination:
 Gynecologic examination for fertility evaluation, cytology PAP smear
 Genetic examination which includes karyotype and gene mutation causing cystic fibrosis
 Serologic blood test (hepatitis B, C, syphilis, HIV)
 Intensive medical screening to confirm they are healthy, with normal family history without occurrence of serious health issues in the family (e.g. diabetes) or psychological issues (e.g. mental problems, suicides etc.)
 Endocrinological examination
A suitable donor is selected by Gyncare team of doctors and coordinators based on your information: eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, blood groups. All information you feel is relevant for your case and donor selection, please deliver to our coordinator, who will make sure that the selection process is done according to your requests and expectations.
Slovak legislation does not set an upper age limit for women planning to have egg donation treatment. However, considering the ethical reasons, GYNCARE – Centre for Assisted Reproduction accepts female patients the up to 52 years of age for this treatment.
Donation is exclusively anonymous. It is not possible to ask for the donor’s identity, or vice versa, donor cannot seek the couple’s or the child’s identity. Everyone involved signs their consent with this treatment principle, according to Slovak legislation.

Legal status in country:
  • Donor anonymity
  • no

  • Max No embryos for transfer: 2
  • Donor Sperm
  • Donor Embryos
  • Frozen Embryos
  • PGD

Waiting period for recipient: 1 - 2 months

normally 8-10

minimum 2 blastocysts

Medications Included? No No

Total costs for fresh cycle: 4100 eur – 5300 eur

What the costs include
  • Consultation
  • No of Visits: 3
  • Partner’s frozen sperm
  • Egg Donor medication
  • Pick up
  • ICSI
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • Blastocyst culture
  • Embryo transfer
  • Freeze remaining embryos
  • EmbryoGlue, EmbryoGen, Frozen embryo transfer, STD
Terms of payments

Deposit payment, remaining amount to be paid on the day of embryo transfer

Money back guarantee program:



Other details:

Who is it designed for?

Standard 4,100 €
 Planning egg donation for the first time
 Partner or husband has normal sperm analysis, NORMOZOOSPERMIA
 Women is younger than 42 years
 Want to have more natural approach with less embryo manipulation

Advanced 4,400 €
 Already been treated via egg donation with failed implantation or miscarriage
 Lower sperm analysis result (lower morphology, lower motility)
 Woman is older than 42 and pregnancy needs to be achieved as soon as possible
 Want to support embryo selection and implantation process with additional methods

Maximal 5,300 €
 Already been treated via egg donation with failed implantation or miscarriage
 Want to maximize the success of one single cycle by using all laboratory methods available which can support successful implantation and pregnancy
 Lower sperm analysis result (lower morphology, lower motility, increased DNA fragmentation)
 Women who are closer to age limit and need to have maximal approach in the shortest time
 One price including frozen embryo transfer

Additional Services:

  • Emergency service
  • Online consultations / Skype
  • Telephone consultations
  • Translation services
  • Parking
  • On site Pharmacy
  • Public transport access
Travel Assistance
  • General travelling assistance: Yes
  • Pick up from the airport: Yes
  • Pick up from the hotel: Yes

Success Rates

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates (Fresh/Thaw Cycles)*
<35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
Fresh Cycles
Frozen/Thaw cycles
  <35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
Egg Donation success rate 50% 40% 40% 17% 17%

A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy Rates (Egg Donation Cycles)
Fresh donor egg embryos Thawed donor egg embryos

Learn more aboutsuccess rates.


    Other Payment Information
    • Discounts
    • Free initial consultation
    • Cheques
    • Credit cards
    • Package service Standard 4 100 €:
      Initial consultation
      Individual treatment plan
      Donor selection, stimulation, egg retrieval in general anesthesia
      Ultrasound control during hormonal preparation
      Sperm analysis and preparation for fertilization
      ICSI fertilization
      Cultivation of embryos in vitro 3-5 days
      Embryo transfer under ultrasound control
      Embryo freezing via vitrification

      Package service Advance 4 400 €:
      Initial consultation
      Individual treatment plan
      Donor selection, stimulation, egg retrieval in general anesthesia
      Ultrasound control during hormonal preparation
      Sperm analysis and preparation for fertilization
      ICSI fertilization
      Cultivation of embryos in vitro 3-5 days
      Embryo transfer under ultrasound control
      Embryo freezing via vitrification
      AH (laser assisted hatching) or LAZT (laser assisted zona thining)
      Advanced sperm selection methods

      Package service Maximal 5 300 €:

      Initial consultation
      Individual treatment plan
      Donor selection, stimulation, egg retrieval in general anesthesia
      Ultrasound control during hormonal preparation
      Sperm analysis and preparation for fertilization
      ICSI fertilization
      Cultivation of embryos in vitro 3-5 days
      Embryo transfer under ultrasound control
      Embryo freezing via vitrification
      AH (laser assisted hatching) or LAZT (laser assisted zona thining)
      Advanced sperm selection methods
      MACS (Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting)
      Sperm freezing
      One frozen embryo transfer under ultrasound control
      STD test

    Short description of the fertility national law or policies in the country:

    Slovak legislation does not set an upper age limit for women planning to have egg donation treatment. However, considering the ethical reasons, GYNCARE – Centre for Assisted Reproduction accepts female patients the up to 52 years of age for this treatment.

    Donation is exclusively anonymous. It is not possible to ask for the donor’s identity, or vice versa, donor cannot seek the couple’s or the child’s identity. Everyone involved signs their consent with this treatment principle, according to Slovak legislation.

    Annonymous donation
    According to Act no. 317/2016 Coll. on the requirements and procedures for procurement and transplantation of human organs, human tissues and human cells and on the amendment and amendment of certain laws (Transplantation Act) it follows from paragraph 3, paragraph (9):
    The tissue establishment and the healthcare provider under a special regulation 3) have an obligation
    (a) to maintain anonymity between the donor of the human organ, human tissue or human cells and the recipient of the human organ, human tissue or human cells and its close relatives and vice versa;
    (b) ensure the complete and effective protection of the personal data of donors of human organs, human tissues or human cells and the recipient of human organs, human tissues or human cells according to a specific regulation.
    On the basis of the above, strict anonymity must be maintained between donor and recipient of human organs, tissues and cells

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