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Successful Parents Agency

Country / City
Kyiv, Ukraine
ul. Shcherbakova 4, 3rd floor, Kyiv 03190 Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
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About the Clinic

Successful Parents AgencySuccessful Parents AgencySuccessful Parents agency was established in 2003. Our team have been involved in sphere of fertility programs for couples from USA, Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, Russian and Ukraine.

This journey for you has started long time ago and required incredible emotional and financial input, so now our main aim is to help you on your way of having a baby with all our efforts, care and experience.

We accompany you from the very beginning when you make first contact with us and to the very end when you can finally take your baby home.

Why to choose our clinic?

Because in order to ensure the success of your program:

  • we care about each and every detail and offer every program as a complete package of services
  • we cooperate only with private clinics with European standards of quality with best embryologists on board
  • we provide you with access to all medical documents, tests results and update you on a regular basis keeping you informed about the progress
  • we ensure you have direct contact with your coordinating doctor and your personal operational manager who will be responsible for all organizational issues
  • we only accept decent and healthy candidates as surrogate mothers and egg donors, and always make fresh medical tests for the candidates who enter egg donation and surrogacy programs
  • we take care of all legal issues and baby registration, as well as preparing all documents for the embassy
  • we guarantee high quality services in accordance with the European standards which in Ukraine at present time is unique.

Your interests and success are our highest priority, we care about your success as of our own.

We treasure your trust and meet your expectations.

Become Successful Parents with us!

Our staff

Successful Parents AgencyOur team unites qualified specialists with years of experience in reproductive and fertility sphere, organization of medical services and family law.




Our facilities

Successful Parents agency

Successful Parents agencySuccessful Parents agency





Languages spoken

Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian


  • IVF (In vitro fertilization)
  • ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • Surrogacy
  • Blastocyst Transfer
  • Embryo Freezing
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
  • PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
  • Sex selection
  • Donor Eggs (Fresh)
  • Donor Sperm
  • Sperm Freezing

Egg Donation Program

Short description of the program:

Short description:
About 80 percent of all women over 40-45 years old who address reproductive clinics for fertility treatment usually use egg donation option to conceive a child. Egg donation helps a woman to achieve her dream of carrying a child and be a mother, and each year egg donation programs help about 20 000 babies to be born worldwide.
Take into account that for women over 40 years old the success rate of IVF with egg donation can be two or three times higher than with regular IVF cycle as egg donors are young ladies producing many healthy and mature eggs in one cycle of donation.
Also important is that egg donation can help you avoid risk of passing genetic disease (if any in your family) to your baby.
Suggested package envisages preparation and carrying out IVF in one of our partner clinics, using an Egg Donor. Total cost of the package is 7500 USD. The package includes:
Consultations and coordination of your program by a Program Coordinator from our agency;
Choosing Egg Donor from our database;
Cost of fresh medical tests for Egg Donor;
Cost of drugs for preparation of Egg Donor;
Egg pick-up, fertilization of eggs and cultivation of embryos in our partner clinic;
First embryos transfer attempt to Intended Mother;
Final compensation for Egg Donor;
Legal fees: contracts, any additional legal aid that your program may require;
Agency commission for using the database and coordinating your program.
At our Agency we have our big database of egg donors. All egg donors are physically and mentally healthy, their age is usually between 20 and 28 years old, their medical records show no chronic or genetic diseases in their families, each egg donor has at least one healthy child of their own. In order to guarantee good results of your program and avoid any risks, we always make egg donor to do fresh medical tests and overall check-up before the start of each egg donation cycle.
We also pay huge attention to the personal characteristics of our egg donors, all ladies possess regular features, good figure and well educated. We are sure that you will easily find the egg donor according to your preferences, in our database.
Usually the preparation for the embryos transfer takes around 4-6 weeks.
Female patient (embryos recipient) prepares for the embryos transfer in synchronization with egg donor. Preparation protocols for egg donor and embryos recipient are different, but our doctors coordinate both cycles in parallel.
This package envisages fresh cycle when male patient comes to donate his semen on the day of egg pick-up of egg donor. Fresh cycle significantly increases your chances for successful pregnancy.
Usually our egg donors produce about 12-18 eggs in frames of one egg donation cycle. All eggs collected from egg donor in frames of this program will be fertilized by male patient’s semen and embryos will be cultivated to the blastocyst stage. Embryos transfer to female patient is usually done on day 5 (blastocyst stage). Up to 3 embryos of the best quality are chosen for the embryos transfer. The remaining embryos also belong exclusively to the patient, can be frozen and used by patient in her future treatment.
It is highly recommended to rest in bed for 2-3 days after the embryos transfer to increase implantation chances.
Both egg donor’s and embryos recipient’s cycles are monitored carefully by our doctors and all the medical procedures are carried out with maximum care and support, to ensure most appropriate mood and comfort for embryos recipient on which the success of the program depends a lot.
In two weeks after the embryos transfer you will need to do blood pregnancy test to determine whether pregnancy is achieved.
This package is one of the most in demand by our patients, we have successfully carried a number of cases with proven results.

Legal status in country:
  • Age limit for embryo transfer: 52
  • Donor anonymity
  • Max No embryos for transfer: 3
  • Donor Sperm
  • Donor Embryos
  • Frozen Eggs
  • Frozen Embryos
  • PGD
  • Sex selection
  • Surrogacy
  • Donor anonymity: (Yes) pictures can be shown

Waiting period for recipient: No waiting period

Medications Included? Yes

Total costs for fresh cycle: 7500 USD

What the costs include
  • Consultation
  • No of Visits: 1
  • Partner’s frozen sperm
  • Egg Donor medication
  • Pick up
  • ICSI
  • AH (Assisted Hatching)
  • Blastocyst culture
  • Embryo transfer
  • Egg donor compensation, all consultations for female and male patients.
Money back guarantee program:


Other details:

No of Eggs guarantee: 10-20 eggs in egg donor programs.
No of Embryos guarantee: depends on the sperm of the male patient as well.
Medications Included? Yes for egg donor, No for female patient.

Additional Services:

  • Online consultations / Skype
  • Translation services
  • Parking
  • On site Pharmacy
  • Public transport access
Travel Assistance
  • General travelling assistance: Yes
  • Pick up from the airport: Yes
  • Pick up from the hotel: Yes

Success Rates

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates (Fresh/Thaw Cycles)*
<35 35-37 38-40 41-42 >42
Fresh Cycles 80% 80% 60% 50% 50%
Frozen/Thaw cycles 80% 80% 60% 50% 50%

A "clinical pregnancy" has a pregnancy sac seen in the uterus on ultrasound exam.
The "live birth rate" is the percentage of all IVF cycles that lead to a live birth. This rate does not include miscarriage or still birth and multiple-order births such as twins and triplets are counted as one pregnancy.

IVF/ICSI Clinical Pregnancy Rates (Egg Donation Cycles)
Fresh donor egg embryos Thawed donor egg embryos
Every second female patient is pregnant We do not carry cycles on frozen donor eggs

Learn more aboutsuccess rates.


  • Consultations: Free
  • Ultrasounds during ovarian stimulation: 40 $
  • IVF (In vitro fertilization): 3400 $ (all inclusive)
  • FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer): 1400 $ (all inclusive)
  • PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis): 3700 $ (including gender selection)
  • Sex selection: 3700 $
  • Donor Eggs (Fresh): 7500 $ (all inclusive package)
  • Donor Sperm: 450 $
  • Sperm Freezing & Storage: 170 $
  • Embryo Freezing & Storage: 580 $
  • Surrogacy: 34950 $ (ALL inclusive)
  • Other Costs: Surrogacy with Egg Donation: 40770 $ (ALL inclusive)
General Services
  • Translation services: 150 $ for all patient documents
  • Pick up from the airport: 30$
  • Pick up from the hotel: 5$
Other Payment Information
  • Discounts
  • Free initial consultation
  • Payment plans

Short description of the fertility national law or policies in the country:

Article 123 of the Family code of Ukraine confirms the child born from surrogate mother as a result of usage of assisted reproductive technologies belongs to the Intended Parents. This includes cases when eggs from egg donor are used.

In the case of transferring the human embryo conceived by spouses as a result of assisted reproductive technologies to the uterus of another woman the biological parents of the child are to be registered as legal parents of the child born.

Spouses are acknowledged and shall be registered as legal parents of the child born by a wife as a result of transferring the human embryo conceived by her husband and another woman with the help of assisted reproductive technologies.

Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “Basics of healthcare legislation of Ukraine” indicates conditions of in-vitro fertilization:
In-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer are performed according to conditions and in the order determined by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and in accordance with the medical conclusion of the health and to a woman of the full legal age based on the written consent of spouses, anonymity of an egg donor and medical secrecy.

Donation of gametes or embryos is the procedure when donors of gametes donate their gametes (oocytes, sperm) or embryos to be used by other persons in the course of their infertility treatment. Embryo transfer is carried out based on medical prescriptions to the woman of full legal age on the condition of availability of a written consent of patients, anonymity of donors and medical secrecy.
Donors of gametes cannot have parental rights over the future child born.

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