Jaroslav Hulvert, MD is an internationally recognized Charles University gyneacologist known for his expertise in Assisted Reproduction. Dr. Hulvert specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, and operative Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy.
Currently the Medical Director of the IVF Unit at ISCARE Clinic, Dr. Hulvert has over 20 years of experience in Assisted Reproduction; he has held key posts at two other Czech Fertility Clinics previously. He has gathered international experience at the Copenhagen City Hospital and IVF Center Ciconia in Denmark, as well as in Gothemburg City Hospital in Sweden.
Dr. Hulvert has been an invited lecturer at national and international conferences as honored guest speaker. He is a certified Clinical lecturer. He is an active member of the Czech Medical Chamber, Czech Society for Assisted Reproduction and Czech Society for Ultrasonography, his publications can be found online.
Czech, English, Russian
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