A question that couples very often ask when starting an assisted reproduction program is related to the two most common techniques used to achieve egg fertilization and the coveted pregnancy.
Confirmation of the best technique given through this study based on the highest rates of blastocysts per egg used for the procedure.
In this retrospective study, 62 ICSI/IVF cycles were analyzed with the eggs divided for each technique. Eggs from these cycles were used randomly in ICSI or the classical IVF procedure. Two hundred and thirty-four ICSI cycles and 152 cycles of classical IVF were further analyzed for comparison.
This method of analysis using sibling oocyte split (half oocytes for IVF and other half for ICSI from the same stimulation cycle) showed quite interesting results. In particular, when comparing and calculating the two pronucleus (2PN) in the oocytes between the classical IVF group and the group of ICSI, the quality of blastocysts was clearly higher in the first case (IVF) with a statistically significant degree (p < 0.05).
This study confirms that the ICSI technique is not a panacea nor does it have higher success rates for all couples. It should only be used in cases where it is required and if certain specific criteria are met in order to maximize the chances of pregnancy.
Do you believe that this study will help couples and clinics in choosing the most appropriate technique?
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