Male infertility tools: FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) advances have now provided couples with accurate genetic screening tests like FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test, as diagnostic tools for male infertility aiding them in improving theirs chances of pregnancy.

Infertility is not primarily a woman’s problem, as it is mistakenly believed. It is estimated that infertility for about half of couples is due to a male factor, either alone or in addition to female factors. So, if a couple suffers from infertility problems men should also be evaluated for infertility.

FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation test

FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation tests are diagnostic tools for male infertility

However, the routinely used in IVF clinics semen analysis testing appears to be inadequate in diagnosing the male factor infertility. In many cases couples dealing with conception problems have given a basic semen analysis testing result that is normal in terms of sperm concentration, motility and morphology. Yet the problem remains. In such cases genetic screening tests that can detect genetic abnormalities can be of great help, comprising diagnostic tools of great clinical value.

DNA fragmentation test is a genetic test that according to fertility doctors is associated with every fertility checkpoint and in contrast to conventional semen analysis it can discriminate between the sperm of fertile and infertile men. This test could explain the reason why you are not parents yet as high levels of DNA fragmentation can inhibit a successful pregnancy despite the type of fertility treatment provided. High levels of damaged DNA have been correlated to a series of things like infections, smoking, and exposure to environmental toxic chemicals.

Another quite useful genetic test given in IVF clinics is FISH (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation). FISH analysis is a genetic test screening for genetic abnormalities providing information about the sperm chromosomes. It consists of sperm chromosome-specific DNA probes labeled with fluorochromes. FISH is an advanced technique that can now facilitate evaluation of sperm aneuploidy.

Both, FISH analysis and DNA fragmentation tests are diagnostic tools for male infertility that can support a specialized diagnose of male factor especially for couples who have experienced repeated IVF failures and pregnancy loss.

If male factor infertility is the source of your trouble would you advise your doctor on proper genetic testing for improving your pregnancy chances?

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Why choose IVF? 10 + 1 reasons

Why choose IVF? 10 + 1 reasons

IVF is likely to be recommended for the following fertility problems:

Why choose IVF1. Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, which stop the sperm from reaching the egg.
2. Ovulation disorders, which result in fewer eggs available for fertilization.
3. Premature ovarian failure (loss of normal ovarian function before the age of 40).
4. Endometriosis, which affects the function of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
5. Fibroids (benign tumors which grow beneath the outer layer of the uterus (subserosal), inside the muscular wall of the uterus (intramural), or inside the uterine cavity (submucus) and can cause infertility.
6. Previous tubal sterilization or removal.
7. Male infertility, including poor sperm quantity, poor sperm mobility, or poor sperm quality (increased percentage of abnormalities in sperm size and shape), which reduce the chance of fertilization.
8. Advanced reproductive age.
9. Unexplained infertility, where, in spite of the complete evaluation for common causes, the cause of infertility has not been found.
10. A genetic disorder. If you or your partner is at risk of passing on a genetic disorder to your child, then a procedure that involves IVF called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) can be performed in the Mediterranean Fertility Institute.
11. Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions. Women can freeze (cryopreserve) her eggs in an unfertilized state for later use or her eggs can be fertilized and frozen as embryos for future use.

Common chemical may be linked to male infertility

Men’s exposure to common chemical, DEHP (a so-called phthalate), may be linked to male infertility, new study suggests.

Approximately 15% of couples are infertile. That means they can’t conceive even if they have unprotected intercourse on regular base for a year or longer. For about half of those couples, the inability to conceive is related to male factor infertility. Moreover, scientists warn that male fertility is fainting and men are estimated to have their sperm fertilizing potential reduced by 2% each year. Practically, that means that it is not only the sperm concentration that is reduced but their motility as well.

But what is to blame for such a sperm quality decrease? Fertility doctors argue that the cause is more acquired than genetic. Exposure to chemicals commonly found in products of everyday use, like plastic, is a major acquired cause of male infertility.

chemical DEHP infertility

DEHP may be linked to male infertility

Researchers from Lund University studied metabolite levels of the phthalate DEHP, a chemical that leaks out from plastics, in urine and the sperm quality of 314 men aged 18-20 from the general Swedish population. The reason the study population comprised of men from the general population rather than from men attending infertility IVF clinics, diagnosed with infertility, often dispose poor sperm quality that is caused by several different factors.

They found that men with higher exposure to this phthalate chemical had their sperm progressive motility decreased. More specifically, sperm progressive motility was lower by 11 percentage points for the group with the highest exposure to DEHP than in the group of men with the lowest exposure. Additionally, men in the group with the highest DEHP exposure had 27% higher HDS (high DNA stainability) a marker of sperm immaturity. Thus, the researchers concluded that exposure to the common phthalate chemical may be linked to male infertility, as it was negatively associated with sperm motility and maturation.

So, plastic use is not recommended for young men of reproductive age who wish to protect their fertility while materials like wood, metal and glass would make some hormonally healthier alternatives.

Is this enough reason to avoid plastic products?

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